But sometimes it allude to what they seems to be regard as the British Government distinguished censorship of the press during the Second World War. 但有时他们会顺便提到二战中,他们所谓的英国政府著名新闻审查制度。
The belligerent occupant may establish censorship of the press, radio, theater, motion pictures, and television, of correspondence, and of all other means of communication. 交战国占领者得审查新闻、播、场、影,和电视,以及信件、其他一切通讯模式。
Although there is no censorship of the press in Britain, all newspapers have to be responsible for what they publish. 尽管英国没有新闻审查制度,但新闻报刊必须对自己的出版物负责。
The censorship which started from administrative filed had been used for the field of press censorship, and gradually become the administrative subject of censorship-News Ombudsmen. 发端于行政法领域的行政监察专员制度经演变,已应用于新闻领域,并逐步成为新闻审查主体&新闻监察专员。
The main contents are summarized as follows: Before formal analysis, the thesis clarifies the necessity of proposition in the introduction, that is, why the administrative law should concern censorship of press. 现将主要内容摘要如下:在进入正式分析之前,本文首先在导论部分阐明了论文命题的必要性,即行政法学为何关切新闻审查。
They are not antagonistic, but symbiotic interdependence and development. Chapter ⅱ" evolution of press censorship and limited freedom "The first time of press censorship is in 1417, the encyclic announced that all the books should be examined prior. 二者并非对立,而是相互依存并共生发展。第二章新闻审查演进及有限自由观。可查的最早的新闻审查源自教皇西克斯特斯,1417年他宣布对一切书籍事先要实行检查。
Censorship of press is essentially the intendance of administrative subject to news medium, in another way to say, it is restrictions and intervention of public rights to medium. 新闻审查本质上是新闻审查主体对新闻媒体的监管,是公权力对新闻媒体的限制和干预。
This paper takes censorship of press as starting point for it is an area which is familiar but difficult to clear. 新闻审查是一个似曾相识但又难以言清的领域,因而成为本文的研究起点。